Passion, education, and expereince
A journey of love and experience
Our head trainer, Barbara Deg, has over 20 years as a pet professional. Barb graduated from the Nova Scotia Agricultural College as an Animal Health Technologist which started her long career in animal wellness. As such, Barb has a passion for cooperative care in the veterinary setting as well as for husbandry at home.
At Front N’Scenter, we believe that mental health and physcial health are thoroughly integrated. We treat each pet as an individual. Emotional wellness of your pet takes priortity in all of our dog training, scent detection, and behaviour modification programs.
Barb shares her home with her greatest teachers, her 4 legged, as well as feathered, familiy members. Her own pets keep her honest about what is really important in animal training.
Barb holds credentials with the IAABC as a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant, is a Certified Separation Trainer, a Certified Professional Dog Trainer- Knowlege Assessed, and is an Elite Fear Free Certified Professional.

Barb is a Registered Veterinary Technician (licenced with the NSVMA), and regularly works with local veterinary professionals and veterinary behaviorists and welcomes collaboration with each pet’s veterinary care team.